Premium Lens Special Offer

As I have mentioned, our Premium lenses come from Hoya, a precision optics firm that has been spitting out high quality spectacle lenses for 80 years. I have consistently been impressed by their durability and the innovation they have brought to the industry.

Now they have gone and made things a little better by giving us a great offer to pass on to you.

If you buy any Hoya lens from our Premium Lens Collection then you will be entitled to a second pair at half price. Any lens, any treatment. Transitions, Mirror coating, thinner lenses, whatever your heart desires.

As always, there are caveats but I’ll try to keep them brief.

  1. Promotion runs until 5pm on the 31stof March 2021, not a second later.
  2. Both pairs must be based on the same prescription and for the same person (though a mixture of varifocals/occupational lenses/single vision is fine).
  3. You may defer ordering the second pair but if you do you must order the second pair by the cut off time and date mentioned in 1.
  4. The more expensive pair will be considered the first pair and if you order more expensive lenses as your second pair then I am going to have to get all pernickety and say so. There may also be a flick of the fan. Fair warning.
  5. No cash alternative or discount off a single pair is offered. I mean come on, do I really have to say this? According to the legal team, yes indeedy.


To view our Premium Lens Collection click here